
Ed Laubach, BS.CS., LL.M.

Business Development Manager

CX Business Development

Ed Laubach is a Cisco Business Development Manager, 25-year high-tech industry veteran, avid traveler, skier, musician, and former Northeastern US resident recently transplanted to the Pacific Northwest.

Currently employed at Cisco Systems in the Customer Experience (CX) organization, Ed supports Cisco customers by building a services approach for network transformation and migration. In this role, Ed provides sales guidance around our migration services offerings, and collaborates with a global Cisco team to support our customers’ migration and network refresh efforts. Over the past three years, Ed has lead this Cisco CX team to realize extensive growth in this area.

Ed also has expertise in global data protection and data privacy law, and a strong interest in developing technologies in the area of Blockchain and Internet of Things (IoT). He has authored two books on networking for McGraw Hill, and various articles published in industry magazines like Network World. His speaking engagements include Cisco events, Networld/Interop, EMC World and SAP SAPPHIRE.

From a community perspective, Ed has also been involved as a team representative in Cisco’s Inclusion & Diversity programs, and volunteers his time at local events and charities to benefit local schools and address the homeless crisis. He is also a strong advocate for LGBTQ equality and initiatives.

Ed earned his Master of Laws (LL.M.) from the University of Edinburgh Law School in Scotland, and holds a B.S. in Computer Science from Kean University. Ed has also attended classes at the Jack Welch Management Institute as part of their MBA program.

When not working with Cisco customers and project teams, Ed follows Bundesliga Soccer (FC Bayern) and spends time outdoors in the Pacific Northwest with his wife Nadia and his two (young-adult) children, when they can spare the time. He can also be found in various venues playing the guitar and trying to sing.


October 10, 2019


Chasing a Dream: Security, Data Protection, Privacy, and the Law

As teenagers on the cusp of adulthood graduate and head into their college years, we tell them it’s okay to not fully know what they want to do for the rest of their lives.  Some, of course, do and will go on to chase down those dreams.  While others may struggle to find where the fit in the work fo…

December 4, 2018


Living By Cisco’s Principles

You never know who you’re going to meet, or what reminders are out there for you with each new day. While attending this year’s GSX (Cisco’s annual sales conference) in Las Vegas, I stepped into a hotel elevator and met an elderly woman. We shared a smile, and she followed it up with a question – “A…